Tuesday, March 11

Siobhan- E Pluribus Unum

The pictures of the pencils portray E Pluribus Unum because it's a cup of pencils all facing eraser-side-up, and one is facing lead-side-up. For the picture of the people holding hands, my idea was to show a series of cultures and races coming together, because E Pluribus Unum on the currency symbolizes the melting pot that the United States is. For the encylopedias, I wanted to basically show the first encylopedia of the several in the series.


cutekean said...

i love the picture of the pencils. i really like how siobhan focused on one pencil and blurred out the other ones.

kiley said...

i love the idea of the picture of all those people holding hands, and its taken at a very interesting angle too:)

Colin McElearney said...

The way the bottom one fades out from the number 1 encyclopedia really makes the image unique. It really helps with the theme