Thursday, March 13

MK/epu and portraits

The first picture is EPU because I tried to focus on just that one quarter out of the many in the jar. The light only hit just that one out of many, so it stands out. I like the first formal pic because I like how the shadows and the light refect off her face. And i also like how shes not looking at the camera, it makes for a more interesting shot. I like the second formal pic because I like how the shadows take over this pic as well. Both girls make the picture work.


cutekean said...

i really like the light on jessica's forehead in the 2nd picture and i think it makes it look really cool and gives the picture more depth.

kiley said...

mk! i really like your epu picture with the coins- the lighting on just that one coin is really unique

kflagg said...

i absoloutely LOVE the picture of Jessica! these pictures are wonderful, and I think the way there is lighting on only one coin is awesome =)