Thursday, March 6

vofodile's formal portraits

I like the first picture of my greatgrandmother because I was going for a relaxed and natural look that did not look posed. It is hard to see the details of her face due to the camera shake and her eyes because I had trouble with the lighting but besides those major problems, this was one of my favorites out of the ones i took of her.
I like the 2nd and 3rd b&w close-ups of my mother because of the soft highlights on her lips and cheek and the mood of the pic.
In the mirror picture of my mother, I like how you can see both her side profile and the front view reflected. I do agree that the keyboard and book in the bacground is distracting.
My favorite formal portrait is the close-up color one of my mom. It has a soft look to it.
The last picture was supposed to make the viewer understand the person in the picture is sad. In my opinion the b&w added more depth and meaning to it.

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