Wednesday, March 10

PHS- Dog, Charming. Sandal, Patterned

This is a photo of one of my stuffed dogs wearing a top hat and carrying a rose in his mouth to be charming and wearing patterned sandals. I took it in black and white because to me, charming seems to be an old-time photo type of adjective. Plus there were a lot of colors that didn't really go together so I thought if it was in black and white it would more composed and less distracting and all over the place.


HavenP said...

Second Place for best use for terms

Maureen R said...

2nd for best overall photo. The lighting is nice and i like your attention to detail like actually putting the stuffed dog's feet into the sandals instead of just having them infront of the doll.

megan mcpherson said...

2nd place best use of terms

Julie N said...

1st place for best use of terms

Lindsay Garrahan said...

second best use of terms

Lindsay Garrahan said...

and third best overall

Hillary W. said...

2nd best photo, 3rd best use of terms

MeghanFarrell said...

3rd best use of terms