Sunday, March 7


I took this photo of the rain on my mom's car window. I was trying to get the raindrops running down the window, and I like how the one drop is really big but there are a few smaller spatters too. I also like how the whole photo kind of flows downward. I wish there was a little less negative space in the background but I am overall pleased with the turn out.


Kat Finnegan said...

The flow of this picture is what, I think, makes it interesting. The downward movement slightly to the right hand corner makes it a much better photo than if the rain had just been moving straight down. I like how you can't really see anything in the background so all of your attention is directed towards the rain drops and nothing else. The only things that would have made this picture better, in my opinion, would be if the top right hand corner wasn't so bright because it is a little distracting.

Paul said...

the water distorts the light and makes for a very creepy shot...i'd say the only bad thing is the movement, which goes down and feels unbalanced