Saturday, December 13

radiant glow

1/160 F stop 3.5
-1.0 exposure
ISO 80
This picture was taken around 1:15 PM on a clear afternoon. I love the highlights caught in our eyes and hair and how the lighting gives us a's not too bright and not too subtle. I also like how I took it at a slant and how the treebranches and bark make a good bacground. I did not have my tripod with me, so taking this picture with one could have prevented camera shake and helped this turn out more crisp.

1 comment:

kflagg said...

I like this picture, the highlights in your friends eyes are really nice and the lighting all over her is very even. The only thing I would say is that the light is a little bit too harsh on your face like on your lips. overall though, i like it! :)
