Tuesday, May 1

Yulu_Night Build

I was taken this picture in BC last Saturday. I really love the building in the night and the background area is really nice. But something is not good is the focus and the vignetting.


Elizabeth Austin said...

This picture is really cool. It gives has a mysterious, gothic feeling to it. The lighting on the buildng is great, good job.

JackEgizi said...

I really like this photo! I love the lighting on the building and the flow of the photo. I like how in the bottom right corner, the building almost looks a little bit smokey. Great job!

Tianli Wang said...

Overall this is a great picture, the composition of the picture really add the quality of the photo. The problem of the picture is there is a lot of noise in the picture, I think this picture could be better if you use tripod.

Jimin Chun said...

I like this picture about great shape of building and the angle of camera is unique.