Sunday, April 29

Rabinowitz_Koi Fish

This is a photo of one of our koi fish in the pond in front of my house.  I took this photo using no flash, just sunlight.  The orange coloring makes the fish stand out in the photo.  I also thought that the reflection of the tree above in the water added a different dimesion.


Millie Bache said...

I love this photo. Although the fish is a little blurry from being underwater, the pieces of food are pretty crisp and the colors of the fish is very vibrant through the water.

Emelia said...

I really like this photo! I agree with Millie though, the fish is a little blurry but it contrasts nicely with the crispness of water. I also like how you cropped the koi fish so it flows. Great photo!

Yulu Liu said...

This is a very good picture, very good focus on it and has a little bit reflection on the water.

Tianli Wang said...

Overall the picture is pretty good, the picture is vivid. I think one piece of fishfood is enough, the other is distractive, and use polariscope could also add the quality of the picture.

Jimin Chun said...

I like this picture. but the fish is nice with the crispness of water