Sunday, April 29


This is a picture of one of my brothers toy cars. I thought it looked cool because only the front was in focus, and has a lot of detail. I think it has good lighting and color, and a wide depth of field.


Emelia said...

Even though this photo is not fully in focus, I really like the subtle lighting and the depth of feel of the car! The colors of the car also came out nicely. I like how parts of the car also reflect light and flow from the front of the car to the back. Great photo!

JackEgizi said...

This is a really cool photo. I like how the front corner closest to me is so in focus and how the back of the car is a little more out of focus. I really like the flow of the photo. It looks like the car is gonna drive right out of the photo.

Nick said...

I really like this photo! I like the way only the front right part of the car is in focus. Also, I like how you captured the detail of the metal in the car. The lighting and the way it reflects off the the metal adds a lot to the photo.

Millie Bache said...

Thank you, I did realize the fact that part of it was out of focus but I agree, I think the unfocused parts add to the flow as well