Saturday, March 30

Garner_Light Box


I took this picture this weekend after I built a light box for the photography project. This was one of my test photos but I ended up liking the way it came out. I had the light angled behind the object so that the light was lighting up the background more. I edited it and turned it into black and white. I like it so much more in black and white because the shadows are more noticeable. It is also more flattering to the eye. The little wrinkles on the ground of the picture are less noticeable in the black and white photo.


Millie Bache said...

I like these photos a lot. I think the first image is better. I like that you manipulated and edited the photo to be black and white, however, i think you lost some of the detail in the image when you edited it. I like that you took the time to curl the string in a loop and add that interesting aspect to the image. Well done.

Amanda Garner said...

I appreciate that you noticed that I took time to put this photo together. I do notice that some of the details were lost but, I still feel that the photo is slightly more flattering in black & white.