Sunday, March 24


Since a lot of my photos lately have had poor lighting (either overexposed spots or not enough light), I decided to try something different to filter the light without having to edit my photos. So what I used was a cardboard box with the sides cut out and covered with white tissue paper to filter direct light. I had the box sitting on the bay window in my kitchen, which is the window in my house with the best natural light. I took these photos, today around 1:30pm, of a small vase from my living room. I like how there are no overexposed spots and how the edges are crisp. I especially like how the color is vibrant because of the white poster board I put inside of the box. I think I will use the box more often to make the lighting in my photos a lot better.


Unknown said...

I like this photograph! I like the effort you put into taking this. I like that there is no distracting background. The vase is in good focus and taken at a great angle! My favorite photograph is the top one, because it is out of focus in the front but then it is in crisp focus. Usually photographs are the opposite they are in focus and then it gets blurry. I like how this photograph is different.

MorganMacDougall said...

Thanks! I like the top photo because of the way it is focused also.