Sunday, March 24


Today I went to my cousins birthday. She turned six years old today. I took this photograph indoors, and used the macro setting on my camera.  I like both of these photographs because of the depth of field, I like that in both the paper is focused but then it unfocused. I think my favorite is the bottom one because the confetti paper is coming from the side. I also like it because it looks balanced to me, the upper right  triangle  is paper and lower left triangle has more empty space.


Anonymous said...

There are great colors in both photos. I like the top one better because the front most decorations are in focus and then it gets blurry creating depth in the photo.

MorganMacDougall said...

I really like the colors in each of these photos. I like the top one especially because of the background. I like that it is unfocused but still part of the decoration, not a different background.

Unknown said...

I like these photos because the colors are so vibrant and fun. It adds a lot of energy to the photo making it interesting. I also like how the decorations are in focus and the background is blurry. It allows the picture to have a very short depth of field.

Unknown said...

I like these photos because the colors are so vibrant and fun. It adds a lot of energy to the photo making it interesting. I also like how the decorations are in focus and the background is blurry. It allows the picture to have a very short depth of field.

Unknown said...

Well Thank you so much! I also like this photograph because of the fun colors! I really like using the macro setting on my camera.