Sunday, March 24


I took this photo a long time ago for the Let Me Tell You About _ project with my Canon Powershot SX110IS. I did this project on my commute to school every day, and I knew how beautiful this field looked in the morning, so I made sure to be at this spot early on a Saturday. I love the symmetry of this photo, both vertically and horizontally. I also love the fact that, even though the trees and land are in front of the sun, they are not simply black shadows nd sillhoettes, and you can also see some detail in them.


Amanda Garner said...

I love this picture because of the way the sunrise is reflected on the water. It has beautiful coloring and shadows. I love how the tree are silhouettes. The way the clouds are position around the sun is very interesting. It is as if they hug it in a way. It add a unusual type of texture to the photo.

Unknown said...

I love this picture because of the way the sun is shining clearly and i also like how the trees in the background are dark and the only thing you can see is the sun. I also like how the sun is reflected in the water.

Unknown said...

I love the simplicity of this shot. I like how the silhouette is reflected perfectly into the water. I also love the colors in the photo. Lastly i like how everything is in such clear focus.

Unknown said...

Thank you! I also liked how clearly the sun was reflected because there were few ripples. I also liked how the sun was a distine ball rather than overexposing everything surrounding it into a blur.