Sunday, March 24

Dilbarian_ sand and stones

   I took this picture outside my favorite restaurant in New Hampshire.  Right outside the restaurant is a a waterfront and a marsh.  I took this picture around mid day but it was really cloudy and windy.  I like the angle of the photo and the way the wind is creating tiny ripples in the water.  I also like the way the 2 bigger rocks draw your eyes to the back and center of the photo.  Even though there isn't a lot of color in the photo i like the dull blue reflection of  the sky in the water.


carolinemcgrath said...

I love this photo. It is taken at such an interesting perspective and is in such great focus. There is a clear background, middleground, and foreground. Also the water appears to be flowing which gives the picture movement. I think you took the picture at a good time of day because the lightening is bright enough to get a good photo. Good job!

Unknown said...

I love this photograph! I agree with you on how the ripples really do make this photo better by giving it movement. I like how the largest two rocks make a path way going down the middle of the photo to guide your eye to the back of the photograph. The two pole/tower things in the back are a little distracting. To fix that you could of moved your camera over a bit, or you could straighten up your lense so that the poles are parellel to the edge of the photo. I really like the angle at which you originally shot this photo at, so if I were you, I would use just move over.

Millie Bache said...

I really like this photo. It is a very detailed and crisp image, but more importantly I love the angle you took this photo in. The contrast between the ocean and the sky are very interesting. Lastly, I like that the texture of the shimmering water and damp sand appear in the detail.

Unknown said...

I had never really payed alot of attention to the sand in the photo but looking at it again, i think it adds alot to the photo. i also agree that the poles in the background are a little but distracting and it would have made a better image to have moved the camera