Sunday, March 31


I took this photograph on Tuesday before vacation. The only light I used was the available light coming from the windows in the living room. I like this photograph because of all the details . It's an interesting image to look at because the orange doesn't look "perfect".  I also like how focused the orange in the front is compared to the one in the back. I like that he background doesn't take away from the orange.


MorganMacDougall said...

I like how you positioned the orange slices so that they would be different. And I really like how you can see all the little details in the orange in the front because it is in such good focus.

Unknown said...

I really like how theres one main orange as well as oranges in the background to, in a way, echo the theme. The composition of the oranges themselves is very good, but i would have taken a little more care in planning the background. For example, the reddish top left corner is a little distracting.

Unknown said...

Thank you! I also really like the detail in the photograph. I can see how the background is a bit distracting.