Sunday, March 31

Duchaney_Candle Holders

I took this with my Canon Powershot SX110IS on macro indoor setting of some candle holders on a window sill in my aunt's house. I really like how it is not readily apparent what the subject is or even its size. I also like how it is divided into distince thirds or dark, light, dark. I also like the crisp focus. However, I wish the bright side was not so overexposed.


Amanda Garner said...

I think this photo is really cool. If you hadn't said what the picture was of I still would be guessing. I love the shadows and the sharp angles of the picture. I has amazing light and composition. I love it. Very creative.

Unknown said...

I really like this picture and how crisp and clear it is. I also really like the angle it was taken at because since ts so close up, they don't look like what you would think of when you say candle holders so it makes you think and look at the picture from a different perspective.

Unknown said...

For the term project, I tried to photograph items in a way that it's not realily apparent what they are. For a lot of these, I achieved this by photographing them close-up.