Sunday, March 31


I took this photo the other day after school. This is a reflection from a sun roof window in the school parking lot. I like how the photo looks sort of grey because the window was tinted pretty dark. I also like how dark the trees are and how they are almost like silhouettes. I also like the contrast between where the sky is, between the clouds, and where the sun is and how its overexposed.


Amanda Garner said...

I like this photo because you captured the atmosphere by taking the picture at the time of the day that you did. I love how the tree is a silhouette and the clouds behind at the focal point. The cool colors create an earry atmosphere.

Unknown said...

I really like this photograph because of the shape and color of the clouds. I like that the sky is not completely dark and that it still has shades of blue. I agree with Amanda it does have a mysterious feel to it.