Monday, December 28


These are all some of the texture photos I took. They all were natural lighting.

Wednesday, December 23

Christmas Tree

I took this at Rockefeller Center after sunset. I liked the lighting of this picture.

Tuesday, December 22

Holidays-PreChristmas pics

These pictures were taken at different times of the day so the lightiting is different for each one. hey were on automatic setting and I just really like the clarity. All on auto I think. Except I did play around with the macro settings on the first and last one.

Thursday, December 17


I took this photograph outside of a shop, mid afternoon. the red gives it a christmas feel.


this is a photograph of a wooden statue of Mary. this reminds me of Christmas in the religous aspect.

Wednesday, December 16


i took this photograph outside at night after a snow storm. the flash was on only becasue without it i did not have any other light sourse avalible,


Late Post. due nov.1st

The first picture I took on my desk and i just wanted to take the picture from a cool angle. The second picture was one that I took on my mantle. The animals are all doing something different and the way they are shaped made me think of them as telling some kind of story. 

Monday, December 14

Little Snowman on My Tree How Cute are Thee

I took this picture in my living room with no flash and in macro setting. I really like the highlights on the ornament and the way the christmas tree lights look in the background.


This is a picture of Lindsays neice on Halloween. She had on a ballerina costume. I like that i caught her in action and the way her hair was moving.


I took this picture during the snow storm we had. I color of the poinsettias really stand out against the white background. If I tilted my camera down an inch I could of cropped out the black on the top.

Sunday, December 13

thanks giving day

thanks giving day foods!!


The snowfall in this picture reminds me of Christmas time.


I took this with no flash. My neighbors where having a christmas party.

My Snowman

A picture of my snowman. It was taken with average settings and with a flash because it got to dark.


This is a photo I took of a tassle on my elf costume for Holiday Pops. I used flash on my camera, because the lights in the cafeteria weren't very good and the photo I took without flash I didn't like. Also, I was trying to show off the sparkles in the tassle, and the way the costume glimmered. I like how you can see the textured of the costume, and also how the tassle appears to be floating. However, I would have like to zoom in more on the tassle itself, and less on the costume.

holiday photo.

i took this photo when my dad and i went shopping for Christmas decorations.

Holiday pictures

The top picture is of a bunch of wooden, hand painted snowmen that my brother, mother and I painted when i was about 12. My mom puts them out for display every christmas. The bottom photo is a close up of a wreath outside of my house. The berries on the wreath is a family favorite and can be found all over my house at Christmas time. 


This photo has been cropped. There was a woman sitting on the left hand side of the christmas tree and I find it was kinda distracting so, I edited it.


I took this picture with natural light (yay!) on macro setting. It's Kermit singing a Christmas carol :) This is the first time I've seen it bigger, and looking at it now I wish the focus wasn't on Kermit's seat and the tree behind him, but on his face.


I took this photo with natural light, and I just loved the colors and all the busy-ness.


I like this picture because of the warm colors and how it shows thanksgiving is about family and eating. I just wish the chandelier wasn't so bright.


I took this on macro setting, no flash. I wish the fork was more in focus but other than than I really like how the lighting from the window behind the turkey hit it.

Saturday, December 12


i took this photo while i was in Canada. the building was beautiful and i loved the way the light was hitting it, and i loved the way it looked against the mid-afternoon sky.

Thursday, December 10

These are two of my portraits, in black and white and sepia. I used natural lighting, and really like the highlights in both of their faces.

Monday, December 7

Term outtake

This is a picture from wayy back when I turned in my term 1 project that I decided I wasn't going to turn in. I really like the details on the pages and the binding, and the fact that I didn't use flash for once. I wish the lines didn't drag so far down, though.

Match Me rejects

I didn't use these for the match me assignment, but I still really like the angles and lighting in them.


I took this outside during the snowstorm saturday night. I had to use the flash since it was dark out, but I liked how it showed the snow falling.

Sunday, December 6


I took this photo of fake leaves in Canada. Its part of a display in front of a shop. I like it because it shows the colors of the leaves but also the green on the pine needles too. Its blurry, so I do think it could be focused a bit better.


I think it'd be better if she moved a bit to her left hand side. I still love it because of her facial expression though.

White winter!

I took these pictures outside today. It snowed last night so my backyard looked beautiful. The first picture is of some icicles i found hanging from a drain in the garden. The second picture is of a Christmas Wreath with snow melting on it. 

Candles in Canada

I took this picture at Notre Dame Church in Canada. I really liked the blue and white glass candle holders and the way the light reflects off the glass.


if i could change anything about this portrait it would be that i had her take a step to her left so that the tree wouldnt be in the shot.


This is a portrait I took of Micaela in the one of the side stair cases at school. I really like the highlights in her hair. I wish that i didnt get the window in the background of the shot.


I like this portrait because of her facial expression. Because it didn't have that good focus, I changed it to black and white. I still wish it was more in focus.


I took this picture on the way to school. The clouds look really cool because that day was very windy. I wish I could have moved to the left so the telephone was not in the picture. But, I like the trees on the bottom of the picture.