Friday, October 19

Katie Flagg available light portrait

I like this picture because of the light in my Dog's eyes, the shadow, and the angle. =) I took it on my porch in the afternoon.


Meg Staff said...

I absolutely love this picture! Your puppy is so cute in it and the angel gives him a "cartoon" type look. The only thing that's off about the photo is that one of your dog's ears is flipped back and the other is front. Of course, pets are not allways willing to help you get that perfict shot. :)

MrB said...

I agree with Meg - cartoonish in appearance - quite a fun shot! Love the colors and the use of shadows. Keep it up.

EmIde said...

ahh! zoey's so cute! anyway. i love how her ears create a shaddow on the back of the stair. and i actually like that one of her ears is flipped back. it make the pic asymmetrical, which is very nice.

KGattozzi said...

i really like this picture. the lighting how it shows his shadow so well. i also like how the dog is looking down at the camera which gives it a playfull feeling.


JDonovan55 said...

i like this pic becAuse of the angle and i like the dog. and personALY i like the dog