Tuesday, November 11

Speed of Light

I took this picture on my way home from school, which was about 2:30 in the afternoon. I am not sure what the settings were on my camera, only that the flash was off. I was in the back seat of my sisters car and she was probably driving about 30mph when i took this shot. I chose it mainly because i love how the sunbeams look in the picture.

1 comment:

kflagg said...

I like the composition of this picture and I like the way it looks almost like a painting. The picture would probably not be as interesting if it were taken when you were standing still, or if you were going any faster. There are not too many objects that are distracting to the picture, which is awesome concidering you did not have much time to set it up. The only thing I would say is that it is a little grainy at parts, but i like it overall!

katie :)