Wednesday, December 3

berries and tree

I took this picture around 1:30 in Maine. I took it at 1/80 shutter speed and used f 5.6. I focused in on the berries and the spiral vine thing on the tree becasue i thought they were nifty. that is all :)


Meg Staff said...

Wow, again haha another fantastic picture by katie flagg! I love how the tree kinda looks like a person with outstretched arms and just the little bit of color that the berries give is perfect. The only thing that bothered my was the random "tree branch"??? in the bottom right corner of the picture. Although, there's probably nothing you could do about that XD LOVE IT!

HavenP said...

I love this picture. The way the vines go around the tree is amazing, and the colors in the berries make it look really pretty. I think if there were a few more berries on the tree it would make it better, but you couldnt really do anything about that :)
But this is a great picture. Good Job!

Vanessa O said...

Wow katie, this picture is so interesting. I really love how the colors of the berries pop out of the neutral colors in the bacground and how the tree is centered. I think if the middle bark of the tree was in better focus than it would make for an even better picture;)