Wednesday, December 3

mr horse

I took this in Maine over thanksgiving. The sun was setting behind the horses leg and the shutter speed was at 1/160 so that the horse had more detail. I like the way you can feel kindof up close and personal with the horse. :)


Meg Staff said...

wow katie, this picture is adorable! Honestly, I probably wouldn't have done anything different! I wish I could give you some words of wisdom or something but i personally wouldn't change a thing<3

siobhan mangan said...

I agree, I wouldn't have changed a thing.
This is so wonderful, and i love the light from the sin that you can see around the horse, so good

siobhan mangan said...

I agree, I wouldn't have changed a thing.
This is so wonderful, and i love the light from the sin that you can see around the horse, so good