I don't remember the settings - i always forget write the down, so i don't know the.
i liked the colors, and how it appeared to be a large mountainous landscape, but it's really just a close up of the top of a rock.
Welcome to the Marian High School Photography Class photoblog. It is here where we are able to share images, ideas and well-intentioned critiques. Post when asked, post when able, post when inspired. Always have your camera on and your mind open! Keep smiling! Don't borrow/copy images without asking first - Thanks!
I like the colors,too. I like the green color. I think the light is pretty good. There is light in the middle and on the edge there is a dark part. It makes the focus in the middle of the picture.
I really like the lighting and colors of this picture. I also like the focusing and angle from which it was taken. The focus of the picture gives it a lot of depth.
I like the colors in this picture alot. It is very earthy looking and I like the perspective you chose to take it at. For some reason the trees in the upper left corner distract me, but i think that they give the picture depth. nice picture! :)
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