Sunday, March 15

GQ magazine

These pictures were taking at approximately midnight in the mall. I love the warm lighting and the compostion of these two pictures. They even look soft-touched. The orange extension cord on the ground is distracting but the people cleaning the mall were vacuuming.
The first picture:
1/8 F3.5 
-1.0 exposure
ISO 200
The second picture:
1/6 F3.5
-1.0 exposure
ISO 200


kflagg said...

woah, how were you in the mall at midnight? anyway, i really love the lighting on stephen in the picture and the look on his face. He looks like a model :) the only thing i find distracting is the exit sign in the backround of the second picture. otherwise i love them :)

Jinny said...

I like it too!! I like the color most. The couch and floor. Their color are matched. They are light colors,so the person is conspicuous.

Vanessa O said...

Haha we were leaving the met bar and grill restaurant in the mall. Yeah I should have cropped the exit sign out or shifted the angle