Sunday, March 22

red house white fence

I took this picture at a different farm in southboro around 5:00. It was taken at 1/200 shutter speed, f 4.0, and 80 ISO. I have a picture where I am more zoomed in but I like the rock wall and the blue sky.


MeghanFarrell said...

This is such a pretty picture. I love the colors and the angle of it. The focusing, angle and lighting are so good and make for a beautiful imagee :)

siobhan mangan said...

katie, where was this? this is so beautiful!
i really like how you left the stone wall in the picture, it gives it midground and background, etc.
and the colors!

HavenP said...

I love the colors in the sky in this picture. The bright blue makes it nice to look at. I also love the layers that start at the wall and gate and lead to the house.