Sunday, March 21


This is a picture of Jim (My Inch worm) and my friend Andrea. I liked that Jim is very much in focus, and Andrea is in th background. Taken in natural light in the woods!


Kat Finnegan said...

I like how this picture is so crisp and focused, and how blurry the girl and the background are. The light is also nice on the hand and the stick. Maybe if the stick did not go almost right across the girl's mouth it would have been better, but other than than this is a great photograph.

Aly Hart said...

I like how you can clearly see the inch worm on the stick, but I think the girl in the back is a bit distracting, because I wasn't sure which person/creature i was supposed to be focusing on, and my eyes kept darting back and forth. I like the angle of the stikc with the inch worm however. And the nail polish also seemed a little out of place as well.

Paul said...

this is pretty aweseom!!!!i love how the inch were is in such good focus in the foregroud and her face is the texture for te background--it would have been cool i think if her eyes were open too