Sunday, March 21

Coco puffs

I really like this picture because of the light on the bowl and the shadows. I took this around 9 am in natural light.


Kat Finnegan said...

I like this photo because though the subject isn't super interesting, the picture as a whole is. The light gives the photo a warm feeling. I really like the light on the bowl and the cereal, as well as the shadows in front of the bowl and on the cereal at the top. The reflections and highlights on the bowl and the angle of the spoon, leading your eye right to the cereal, are interesting as well.

Lindsay Garrahan said...

This is a very interesing photo and the details on the coco puffs are great. the lighting adds to the picture by adding a three dimensional affect onto the bowl of coco puffs. yumyum

Hillary W. said...

I like how the lines of the shadow lead up to the bowl and get the focal point you want. I also like the texture the sunlight gives the cereal, and the focus on that.

Paul said...

the lighting is great, i just don't like the shadow...i find that it hinders the affect of the composition and detracts from the lighting itselffff