Sunday, May 2


in the first photo, the sky was empty and boring so i filled the empty space in with a tree because the dark green tones in the leaves compliment the browns of the bricks and they contrast eachother nicely. in the second photo, i overexposed the sky because i wanted the focus to be on the squirrel, the leaves, and the branches.


Julie N said...

i love the angle of the first photo. it makes it very interesting to look at and slightly confusing but in a fun way. the colors in the second photo are very crisp and vibrant

Kat Finnegan said...

I really like both of these photos. In the second one, I like the bright green, as well as how focused the picture is. All the lines the branches make make it even more interesting. I just wish the white in the background wasn't quite so bright because I think it takes a little away from the rest of the picture.

Aly Hart said...

I like the angel of the first photo and the way the tree makes the buliding stand out more. I think you made a good decision adding it to the photo. In the second photo, I think maybe it's a little too bright. I do like the way the squirrel and the greens stand out, but the brightness does hurt my eyes just a little.

Sarah H said...

This is a

Sarah H said...

This is a really nice shot! you must have gotten close enough not to scare it away because it doesnt look like you zoomed in. the green is very vibrant and everything is in crisp focus, good job!

Paul said...

angle on the first one is verrry interestingg and the focus for both is soooo crisp........ great color and use of white light in the bottom.........squirrelll

Paul said...

angle on the first one is verrry interestingg and the focus for both is soooo crisp........ great color and use of white light in the bottom.........squirrelll