Tuesday, October 11


This is one of the pictures i took for the 6 things assignment, for the word bumpy. It was originally a picture of a chess set halfway through a game, covered by a handkercheif. I'm not sure what I was thinking. Anyway, I decided to use a different photo for the assignment, but I liked this picture, and I decided to post it. this picture was taken indoors at night, with reasonable lighting and no flash. there was a lot of color distortion in the picture (the white shows up reddish), which I didn't like. does anyone have any suggestions on getting rid of that?

1 comment:

Nick said...

I really like the way the light reflects off of the chess pieces. Also, I like how the chess piece in the center of the photo looks bigger than it the others. The photos in the top right corner are distracting. Otherwise, this is a good photograph