Sunday, February 19


I like this photo because I think it is great light of the sun and I can see the sundown clearly. However, I think it is too dark.


Tianli Wang said...

Generally this is a pretty good picture, the color of this picture is very good, but I think this picture is a little bit under exposur. And if I were you, I would change the angle to the right and move back so I won't cut the other house in the lower left quarter and I can take the tree in the right of the picture as a whole.

Nick said...

This is a very good picture. I like the crisp focus. Also, i really like the colors created by the setting sun. I like the exposure because it gives the photo a soft feeling, like what you'd experience during sunset.

Millie Bache said...

This is a good photo. I think you captured the skyline at a perfect time, it's so pretty. The one thing I would change would be to crop out part the lower part that's showing of the house because more and more detail in the house adds more distraction to the main focus.