Thursday, September 19

Dilbarian_ circles

I took this photo in class one day outside the front door of the school.  It is the mat on the ground.  I like how the rain on the rubber reflects the light but I wish that it wasn't so overexposed.  I also like how many circles there are and how they come together in the back of the photo.  I like how it is hard to tell what it is at first and how the movement carries you throughout the photo.  Lastly, i wish that there wasn't a speck of something in the middle of the circles and it wasn't so overexposed

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I really like this picture, it shows a perfect focus in the close view. I like how in the picture the circles in the back of the front circles show an illusion that they look like they're going on forever and never stopping in length. I think its a great picture that you took I have nothing to critique about this picture. I has great quality in this picture. Fantastic work, and a fantastic picture.