Sunday, December 1


 I was playing around with the settings on my camera and found the panorama setting. I decided to stand on my deck and take a sweeping panorama of my back yard. I really like how by using panorama shooting, you can really see what the eyes do. I also like how the colors from the far blue distant house are opposite of the colors of my shed, and I really like how none of the colors in this photo really go together at all because it keeps your eyes moving from all corners and there is really no main focal point.


Unknown said...

I really like this photo because of the panoramic effect in this photo, which makes the angle of this photo look very interesting. I like the low exposure levels in this photo, because it makes this photo appear with a good tone, and depth to this photo. I also like how this panoramic photo bends very slightly in the middle of this photo because it makes this photo have a partial fish eye effect to this photo. I like the contrast and depth of field in this photo as well. A few things I would critique in this photo is the tops of a few trees are cut off,can be slightly distracting.If they were visible it would appear slightly different. I would also critique in this photo are the soccer balls on the right side of this photo because it might be a little bit distracting. Nice job, Cristian

Unknown said...

I am posting for Dec 1 about Correia_Misc. I like how the lines of the lawn and the fence posts at the back of the picture is drawing my eyes to the top part of the photo. The panoramic effect on the picture makes it more stretch than it actually is. However, there is a few things that I would do to make the picture look better, I would get rid of the soccer balls on the side, show more depth of the picture, and show more lawn than trees.