Wednesday, November 14

Opposing Landscapes

These are opposing landscapes because the first one is taken facing the bridge from further down the river and is facing the north while the second one is taken from the bridge facing south.


Meg Staff said...

I really like your opposing landscapes. Especially the reflections in the water. However, I see some opposing ideas that you didn't use also. Maybe you could have taken one at a different time of day or maybe horizontaly. Still, they're great shots.

kiley said...

frazwazz! i really like these pictures. I think you could also say that the top picture is horizontal, and the bottom has more of a vertical focal point. but i really like the different colors of the leaves, and how theyre reflected onto the water

Maura said...

dear fredrick,
these pictures are very nice. they capture the essence of fall. The bright colors of the trees and their reflections off the water are pretty.