Sunday, October 23


I love this picture because first of all, I love Boston. Second of all, I think its really cool how the John Hancock looks like its part of the sky. This building is the main focus of the picture. It was sort of a cloudy day so it looks a little dark. This picture was taken indoors from a building in the Mass Art campus, through a window, and without flash.


Trevor H. said...

This picture does have many layers and as you go up, the buildings get taller and taller which is easy to notice. The only bad part is that the middle ground and up gets darker and is not as noticable than the foreground but that is mostly weather issues.

Millie Bache said...

I really like this photo. You took it at a perfect time. The clouds add to the movement of the picture and really give you a sense of city life, because people are always on the move.