Thursday, November 10


I took this photo because I thought that this was a beautiful combination of flowers. I took this picture numerous times without flash but the lighting was terrible and they were quite blurry. With flash, the flowers are still and you can see a lot of detail.


Millie Bache said...

This photo has great color. I like how there is a shadow lining the flowers it makes the roses pop out at you and draw the viewer in.

Trevor H. said...

This photo does really have nice shadow spots to show the curves and even the texture of the flowers. Whether or not they are real, the texture of the flowers look soft like fabric and with the lighting, dust on the flower is completely visible, allowing for different shades of red. Maybe as a side note, but not as a problem, you can include the base of the flowers if any details really show up, but I can understand why you wouldn't want that in this photo.

Elizabeth Austin said...

The roses are really pretty. the images would ahve been better maybe if you got all of the ends of the flowers in indtead of cutting them off.