Monday, November 14

jules_red rose

I like this picture because I like the reflection of the flowers on the table, I like the softness of the picture too. I like the how it is almost symmetrical. I took this on macro, and blocked the flash with my hand.


Millie Bache said...

I love how the rose reflects off the table, even being a brown finished piece of furniture, it still reflects red from the rose.

Emelia said...

I really like the crispness of the rose in this photo and the contrast between the red and the white flowers. Even though part of the white flowers are cut off, the flow of the photo leads right to the roses. Great photo!

Trisha Butay said...

My eyes go straight to the vivid petals when I look at it. I really like the focus on the on petals, and the softness of the rest of the flower. The colors surrounding the rose add to the picture too, it really brings out the red.

Yulu Liu said...

such a nice photo. i really like the reflection of the flowers on the table. it is a good representative about still-life.