Sunday, December 11

Butay_Still Life

This is a photo of a wall that was painted with graffiti. I like how there are different variations of colors in the wall and the oranges and browns that are in the leaves. Also I like how there's almost a line made to split the colors on the left side with the grays and white on the right side. It was taken outside without flash.


Clara said...

This photo has great flow and it makes you think. I think the lighting really fits the photo because it looks a little gloomy but the oranges in the leaves bring in some warmth. One thing I would've changed was to maybe angle the camera to get more of the wall but otherwise great photo!

Emelia said...

I really like the depth of field in this photo! The angle that you shot this at adds a lot of definition and length to the wall. I also agree with Clara, that there is great flow in this photo as well. I would have tried to move the branches on the left so more focus could be on the photo, but otherwise it's an interesting photo!