Sunday, April 1

Palm and Sea_Ricky Xiang

I took this picture at the seaside as well, i really enjoy the color of this picture, and i think this photo has a good composition as well.


Jules said...

This looks like a postcard! I really like the vibrant colors of the photo and has great flow. I think if you would have cropped some of the photo on the right it might make the flow even better.

JackEgizi said...

This photo is so good it almost looks fake! Like they hired you to take a photo to advertise this beach. I love the color combo of the white sands and the blue sky. The sky really stuck out to me and drew my attention in on this photo. Where did you take it?

Yulu Liu said...

This one is really peaceful, really nice. The focus is really good.

Jimin Chun said...

this is great photo. good shape and detail of water. Also the water color is great movement.