Sunday, April 1


I took this photo while driving to school in the morning. I really like the movement of the trees and the yellow lines on the road. I think that the photo is a little bit out of focus in some parts, however. If I could change something I would have included less of the road and tried to have focused on the sunset more.


Ricky Xiang said...

I really like this photo, because the movement of objects is very clear in this photo, and also the color of this photo is awesome!!! Great Job.

Jules said...

The depth of field of this photo is really cool. It makes you feel like your moving forward. I like how the middle is in focus and the outline is kinda blurry, it's like a vignette it's cool!

james mcgarry said...

This is a very engaging photo! I really like the sharp colors in the middle and how they clash with the blurriness on the outside; it gives you a sense of place AND movement. one thing it would change, though, is that the road appears to end at a house. I think it would create a more open-to-explore image if the road kept going until it was out of sight. this could probably be accomplished by taking another photo at a different point on the road.

Jimin Chun said...

This is a very good snap shot. I think this is great movement and i can feel like your moving forward.