Monday, October 29


I took this picture during one of our photography classes. I made it look like heart by cutting out a heart in a piece of paper and taping it to the camera lens. Then I just took a picture of one of my class assignments. I like this picture because it looks cool with the heart cutout and the border of the heart makes a cool effect.


Millie Bache said...

This is a very interesting picture. I like how it has a very shallow depth of field. The lower layer of writing is in crisp focus. I like how the the paper with the hole is a heart. Good job.

Megan Bubello said...

I really enjoyed your photo. I thought it was very creative. I like how crisp the words in this photo and how well the lighting was on the paper with the words. The heart shape also added much to the photo.

carolinemcgrath said...

I really like this photo. I like that the lighting is brightest in the area where the heart is cut out. The picture is very much in focus and is very creative

Amanda Garner said...

I think this photo is very creative. I watched as it was taken with paper covering the lens. It was a creative way to give the lens a new view. It uses light and shadow in an interesting way that draw you eye into the writing at the center of the photo.