Sunday, October 28


This was one of the photos I took for my in class photography project. I like how dark the shadow is and how the sun is lighting the inner rim of the tape. If I could retake this I would wash the window and just generally clean up the area. I took this with a Sony Bloggie during class time. No lights were on in the classroom and no flash was used. This photo uses only natural light from the window.


Unknown said...

I like this photo because of all the different shades of grey. Even the background has some grey in it and the shaddow is the darkest part of the picture so it stands out

Unknown said...

I really like this photo because of the bold shadow the tape created, also the small details of the lines on the paint. I like how the shadow was created from only the available light.

Unknown said...

I like this photograph because I love the use of shadows. The shape is really cool. The thins stripe of color is interesting. I think this photograph would be a little better if you could see the whole circle.