Sunday, November 11

Duchaney_Frog...or Toad

I took this with my Canon PowerShot SX110IS on macro setting using only natural light. I found this little guy when I was raking leaves. This was the last photo that I was able to take of him before he moved and hid his head under some grass, and it was also the only photo that I took at this head-on angle. I like how he is well in focus, and I like how his red/brown color matches that of the leaves. I think the yellowish spot at the top left corner is a little distracting, and I wish the colors were a little brighter.


Unknown said...

I love this photograph! Its great how you were able to take a picture of the small frog before if moved. I also like how the frog is very well camaouflaged, and the details are great!

Unknown said...

i really like this picture. i love how you captured the frog in this position staring straight into the camera. the first thing i look at are the eyes. i think this is a really cool picture.