Sunday, November 11


This was one photo that I used for the "Let Me Tell You About_____" project. I like how there is a limited amount of colors. Also, I think the cross looks nice against the eggs and I like the way the greens plants surronds the bowl. This was taken with a Sony Bloggie on the portrait setting. It was a partly sunny day. I used no flash. If I could retake this photo I would center the bowl more so it would not be cut off at the top.


Unknown said...

i love the whole photo and the idea of it. i think that it was a good choice to use those green leaves in the background.

Unknown said...

I think there is a lot of different things to look at in the picture, but its not too busy. When i first look at this picture, my attention is drawn to the middle and my focus moves in a spiral motion till the edge of the picture. I also like the lighting, how it makes everything look clear and very focused.

Unknown said...

I think the composition of this photo is great. The darker eggs and the lighter eggs are pretty evenly distributed so there's not a huge distracting clump of one or the other. You can see everything in great detail. It has a more radial symmetry, yet each part of the photo stands out well, from the cross to the eggs to the green leaves. This really makes me curious to know the story you were telling with this assignment.