Monday, May 13

Cha_Yeonsei University

This is the picture when I was in Korea, while I was on college tour in Korea. This school is the second-ranked school in Korea. I like this photo because it has very good balanced-expolsion; furthermore I believe the focusing on this picture is quite crispy. However, there are some failure: first, it seems the left side of the school is little bit tilted, and second, it would be better if people behind the tree were not there.


Megan Bubello said...

WOW! I really love this photo! The building is amazing and the the greens in all of the plants really pop. The color of the sky also pops very well in this photo which i liked a lot. One thing i did notice however is the the building is a little slanted, which is a bit noticable. Other than that, this photo is really a great photo!!!

Unknown said...

That's exactly what I do not like about this picture: a little slanted. It would be better picture it was not slanted.