Tuesday, March 9


Maureen R said...

The lower picture of Meghan is very interesting. I like the highlights on one side of her face and the subtle shadows on her right side. I like the effects of the speckling as well. di you take it in a mirror or something? It adds a lot more depth of field to the shot because not there is the speckles, meghan, and a background behind her.

kathleen monahan said...

i love the bottom photograph. you used the light beautifully and created great shadows with it. i love how much the photo makes me think, because i cant quite tell what the white layer on the photo is... shot through a dirty window... photograph of her reflection in a mirror? it appears to be like a scratchy film photo, i absolutly love this effect.

Heather said...

I like the second picture due to its depth of field. The highlights are great aswell. The effect attracts me most.