Monday, March 1


this photo was taken at an angle to give it more depth and to include more candles. the only light is the light from the candles


Kat Finnegan said...

I like the composition of the picture and how you angled it because it does give the picture more depth as you wanted. I like the red/pink color and how bright is is against the white. I also like how the white isn't just pure white, but appears almost off-white. The glowing of the candles gives a really interesting effect.

Lindsay Garrahan said...

THe compostion and depth of feild are really pleasing to look at. the way it goes pink white pink looks really good. the picture as a whole gives a really warm affect and attracts me to the picture even more

Heather said...

I like the angle you took with this picture. And the red and white glasses and the candles give a warm effect to this picture.

SammiLu said...

I'm jealous. I tried to take a similar picture and my mom yelled at me for being disrespectful. I love that you took the photo on an angle, and that the colors draw your eyes across the picture.

Paul said...

the angle is so interesting and the light and colors are truly attention-grabbing