Monday, January 16


This is a picture I took a while ago of my grandma making gnocchi from scratch. I like it because it gives you a sense of how messy cooking can be but also how much fun it is to do. This picture would have been better if I had less of the counter space in the back and no collander and maybe a closeup of my grandma and the pan.


Tianli Wang said...

Actually I don't really think this is a good photograph. Maybe you want to make the picture show a sense of messy to let the theme action stand out, but I think this picture is too messy that I couldn't find the key point of this picture. The other thing I think would effect the quality of the picture is you cut the person in half. I do not mean this picture is a bad word, it just Incompatible with my esthetic.

Jerry chen said...

I like this photo because this is a documentary photography. I can see the story through this photo. If you can change to another angle and shows the person's whole body will be a better picture.

Jerry chen said...
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