Sunday, February 5

Austin_City Hall

This is a picture I took of the City Hall. I like how it looks silhouetted against the sunset. You can still see the details of the clock though. I took this picture outside, using only natural light.


Millie Bache said...

The skyline in this picture has great color. I like that the city hall is at the peak of the picture and level with the clouds and the sun. I think this could have made a great landscape image because it would've widened the horrizon and eliminated the empty space at the bottem including the distraction of color in that black area.

Jules said...

This photo is awesome! I like how the light is coming right from the center of the clock, and you can still see the details of the clock. The bottom with the little yellow light spot is a little distracting. But I would just change that. Also I think that a horizontal shot of the would look really cool too.