Sunday, February 5


This picture is of my friend taken in black light using black light paint. I like how there is a contrast between the two sides of her face. She is against a plain background and only one light source was used and there was no flash. Some thing I would change would be the stray hairs that are distracting.


Elizabeth Austin said...

The colors in this photo really stand out. At first glance its scared me for a second before I saw it was a person, but after looking at it you can see it's a really original portrait.

Clara said...

I really like this photo and I really like how the orange adds a great splash of color to the photo because it is mostly dark. I also like the contrast of her hair with the rest. One thing I would change is that it is almost too dark and you can't really see her face so maybe if there was a little more light it would be better.

JackEgizi said...

This photo is very interesting. It made me have to think. I like the black background that doesn't take away from the girl at all. I also love the different colors of black and grey and then the orange on her face. this is a great photo!