Sunday, February 5

Yulu_big clock

I took this picture in Harvard Square yesterday. I choose this one because I really love the big clock. It does not have any special but I also think it is a good angle to take this big clock.


james mcgarry said...

I like the way tree branches are reflected in the clock face. it think it would be evern cooler if the the pole the clock sits on was obscuring the tree trunk behind it, so that all the camera would see is the branches spreading out behond the clock.

Emelia said...

There is a lot going on in this photo, however I can feel that the main focus is on the clock. I like how the trunks of the trees behind the clock flow towards the face of the clock, making is stand out. I would've changed my position or cropped out some of the photo to include less distractions, but otherwise a great photo!